
A summary of significant Los Angeles City...

A summary of significant Los Angeles City Hall decisions affecting the Westside in the past week.


DOWN-ZONING: Unanimously adopted an ordinance that placed restrictions on new commercial and industrial areas of Marina del Rey east of Lincoln Boulevard between Maxella Avenue and the Marina Freeway. The council’s action limits heights on most commercial projects to 45 feet and reduces the density of such projects by two-thirds. The ordinance also requires that all projects over 25,000 square feet provide built-in solid waste recycling facilities.

STREET PARTY: Approved the temporary closure of certain streets June 22 for the Melrose Avenue Street Party hosted by the Fox Broadcasting Co. Gardner Street from Waring Avenue to Clinton Street will be closed from 4:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Melrose Avenue from Sierra Bonita Avenue to Vista Street will be closed from 6 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.



WALK OF FAME: Approved a request to place the name of radio broadcaster Bill Keene along the Hollywood Walk of Fame. A ceremony is scheduled today for 11:30 a.m. at 1549 Vine St.


HOLLYWOOD LOAN PROGRAM: Approved a proposal for a loan program that would provide up to $250,000 to businesses to rehabilitate existing entertainment industry facilities within the Hollywood Redevelopment area. The program participant must match the loan amount. The loans would be for a 10-year period with 10% of the loan to be forgiven for each year the participant continues to operate in the area. The program’s aim is to attract, retain and expand the entertainment industry in Hollywood. The council must give its final approval.


How Westside representatives voted on selected issues.

WHISTLE-BLOWERS: Approved a recommendation to have the Police Commission adopt an interim policy to protect whistle-blowers in the Los Angeles Police Department from retaliation until permanent revisions can be implemented. The policy was adopted to protect officers who gave information to the Christopher Commission following the Rodney G. King beating. Passed: 12-0. Voting yes: John Ferraro, Ruth Galanter, Nate Holden, Joel Wachs, Michael Woo and Zev Yaroslavsky. Marvin Braude was absent.


COMPLAINTS AGAINST POLICE: Approved a recommendation to make it easier for residents to file complaints against Los Angeles police officers, including having complaint forms available at all council district offices in City Hall and district field offices. Passed: 12-0. Voting yes: Ferraro, Galanter, Holden, Wachs, Woo and Yaroslavsky. Braude was absent.

LAWSUIT SETTLEMENT: Approved spending $294,000 to settle a lawsuit filed against the city by a married couple who claimed they were physically attacked and injured by a Department of Animal Regulation officer in May, 1986, while allowing their four dogs to run loose on the beach near Marina del Rey. Thomas Kobetitsch and Sofia Kobetitsch said they were struck after attempting to talk with two officers who were trying to place one of the dogs in an Animal Control vehicle. The husband said he was hit a number of times in the chest and grabbed around the neck and forced to the ground. The wife said she was kicked in the legs and fell, striking her head.
