
VAN NUYS : Shelter for Teen-Age Prostitutes to Open

Children of the Night, the internationally recognized organization dedicated to rescuing teen-age prostitutes, will officially open the doors of its new San Fernando Valley shelter June 8, the organization announced Thursday.

The shelter is located in the old Van Nuys Post Office building, which the nonprofit organization purchased for $899,000 in 1989 and has renovated.

The shelter will house 24 teen-agers at one time, along with the executive offices of Children of the Night. The clients at the shelter will take part in a 60-day program involving special classes, counseling and religious activities, if desired.


Children of the Night was founded in 1979 by Lois Lee when she was a graduate student in sociology. Her experiences that led to creation of the organization were chronicled in a television drama in 1985. The previous year she was presented the President’s Volunteer Action Award in a White House ceremony with President Ronald Reagan.
