
Bargains Restore Faith in Appeal of Melrose

LET’S MAKE A DEAL MEETS MELROSE: When you shop on Melrose Avenue it always feels like Anything Can Happen Day. I never know whether I’m going to be delighted or disgusted by what I find (usually it’s a little of both, depending on how many unexpected parts of the anatomy festooned with earrings I encounter).

I was truly shocked, however, by what my pal, shopping pro Michael Quintanilla, recently found there. He created his own bargains.

First, he found a suit at Annie Rose (7619 Melrose Ave.), known for designer wear and favored by the hip-hop crowd. He told the manager he loved the suit but thought it was overpriced at $410. On the spot, it was marked down to $340.


Then at Hide Out Fashions (7725 Melrose Ave.) he talked a clerk into giving him an extra $20 off on a pair of $140 Doc Marten platforms (“Saturday Night Fever” specials) already reduced to $60. Finally, Michael took his new suit to a shop on Broadway downtown for apparel and gifts. He’s been a good customer and he knows they do terrific alterations. He persuaded the owner to give him free alterations, after he spent some money in the shop. But not on clothes; he bought a wall clock.

Last week, Michael asked his Melrose Avenue haircutter if he could get a free haircut for referring three new customers. But he only got two to come in, so she gave him $25 worth of hair products.

Who says the old, funkytown, flea market spirit that once prevailed on Melrose is dead?

CHEAPO FIND OF THE WEEK: Yogi’s Imports on the Venice Beach boardwalk can almost always be counted on for great deals in jewelry imported from India. At the moment, the vest-pocket-sized shop has beautiful, silver-toned perfume bottles from Kashmir. The bottles are laced with silver filigree, studded with agates and designed to be worn as necklaces. Yogi’s is at 517 Ocean Front Walk, tucked in the group of shops called the Gingerbread Court.


While you’re on the boardwalk, if you’re in the market for oversized, slightly trashy baubles--variations on the stuff that’s been paraded down Paris runways lately--walk a block north to Titanic Accessories at 405 Ocean Front Walk. For fun jewelry at a price, usually between $5 and $15, this place (the upstairs portion of Titanic) is hard to beat.
