
Police Efforts During Rioting

The Times provided a very wonderful service to the public under the banner of “Our Community Rebuilds” (May 14). I commend The Times and the agencies mentioned. However, I would be remiss if I did not tell you I reviewed the list with great disappointment.

Since 1976 I have had the pleasure of serving on the advisory board of the Salvation Army for Metropolitan Los Angeles and am well aware of what the Salvation Army did during the stressful period from May 1-8. A small summary of what they have done would include the fact they distributed over 500 tons of food items; provided in excess of 1,100 nights of lodging to individuals; provided 8,000 individuals with clothing; distributed 42,750 baskets of food, and in addition served 59,400 meals, hot and cold. The Salvation Army did not cease on May 8; it continues its work of providing for those in need.


