
SIMI VALLEY : Rotary Club to Hold Cajun Fund-Raiser

The Rotary Club of Simi Sunrise will hold its third annual Cajun Creole Festival this weekend in Simi Valley.

The festival, the group’s primary annual fund-raiser, will feature music by four Zydeco bands. In addition, a puppeteer, musician and children’s theater group will take turns performing on a separate stage set up for children’s entertainment.

The event, which will be held on a grassy lot at Los Angeles and Surveyor avenues, will also have booths selling crafts and Cajun food.


The cost of the event is $12 at the gate. Children under 12 will be admitted free when accompanied by a paying adult.

All proceeds will go to charitable causes, including the local Boys & Girls Club and programs for the homeless and senior citizens.

For information, call 520-4894.
