
Soka Offers Overlooked

I keep hearing people say that big spending politicians have got to go. Big spender, thy name is Beilenson.

I refer to his request of a record $33 million for a park acquisition.

Would this money be used in war-torn Los Angeles? No. He wants tax money to buy a large tract in the pricey Santa Monica Mountains. Would the money be used to protect open space? No. The university he hopes will be condemned has already offered us, the people, three major benefits: a $20-million parks package, 80% of the property left in open space, and a university that takes some of the heat off our overcrowded colleges.

This offer has thus far been spurned by parks officials because they want the whole thing. He’s out trying to drum up money we don’t have for land that is not for sale.


What is the only gain he can hope for? Government ownership of prime real estate. Does this do anything to enhance the life of John Q. Public? Certainly not. We lose twice because it is forever off the tax roles.


