
High Life: A WEEKLY FORUM FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS : If You Had It to Do Over, What Would Be Different?

Responses gathered by Tina Toochinda (Dana Hills), Tram Nguyen (Orange), Mary Alice Perez (Orange Lutheran), James Martin (Servite), Claudine Ko (University) and Juanita Chang (Villa Park)

Now that the school year is coming to a close, it’s easy to look back on the past few months and wonder what might have been. “If only . . . “ is a phrase often heard at conclusions.

Hot Topics wonders, “If you could repeat this last school year, what would you do differently?”

“I would have participated in all the clubs I signed up for.”

Christina Molodowich, 14, sophomore, Villa Park

“I would have demanded a new car from my parents when I got into UC Berkeley, and gotten to know my prom date better earlier.”


Robert Hwang, 18, senior, University

“I would have liked to have gone to another school to play baseball.”

Jason Evers, 17, senior, Orange

“I would have started off the year by bribing all my teachers with lavish gifts and sarcastic praise.”

Andrew Park, 15, junior, Dana Hills

“I would strive to savor every moment with my friends for when we are all gone. All we will have left are the memories.”

David Smith, 17, senior, Orange Lutheran

“Stayed away from that damn cafeteria food.”

Joseph Joson, 15, junior, Servite

“I would have slept less in class.”

Bryan Soper, 16, sophomore, Villa Park

“I would not have procrastinated so much on major assignments, and I would have gotten more involved in school activities.”


Heidi Huntley, 18, senior, University

“I would try to stop all the racial discrimination and the prejudices of people at the school.”

Michelle Stewart, 15, sophomore, Orange

“I would have checked to see if my bra strap was showing before I had my student ID photo taken.”

Karen Lynn, 16, sophomore, Dana Hills

“I would take more time to experience all of the activities that are a part of a senior year.


Daniel Moon, 17, senior, Orange Lutheran

“I would not have come to this school because I need women.”

John Dann, 16, sophomore, Servite

“I would grow a long beard and be in ZZ Top.”

James Jhun, 16, sophomore, Villa Park

“I would have kept all my resolutions.”

Adriana Maestas, 15, sophomore, University

“I would have taken different classes.”

Andrea Wolf, 18, senior, Orange

“I would not have signed up for that third year of Latin.”

Judah S. Kurtv, 17, junior, Dana Hills

“Not take French!”

Henry Chen, 17, junior, Servite

“Learn to slow down and smell the roses along the way.”

Ken Wakabayashi, 16, sophomore, Villa Park

“I would have been more responsible with my actions, set higher goals and pushed myself to be the best I could--while still having fun.”

Sarah Lundquist, 18, senior, University

“I would have tried to have an off-campus lunch.”

Steve Phung, 16, junior, Orange

“I would try to spend less time napping.”

Mark Roslon, 16, sophomore, Dana Hills

“I would have studied.”

Joe Serna, 16, sophomore, Servite

“I don’t want to repeat this year. Let’s get outta here!”

Nozomi Teshima, 15, sophomore, Villa Park

“I wouldn’t have studied so much; I would have had more fun.”

Maily Nguyen, 15, sophomore, University

“I would have gotten rid of the lockout tardy policy.”

Caitlin Fitzsimmons, 14, freshman, Orange

“Nothing! No sense in looking back! What’s done is done!”

Matt Calabria, 16, junior, Servite

Next Week’s Hot Topic:

There will not be a Hot Topic next week because of High Life’s special salute to high school seniors.
