
U.S. Policy in Yugoslav War

According to the news (“U.S. Warns of Security Threat in Yugoslav War,” June 23), the drums are starting to beat to involve the United States--and its young men and women--in yet another war in some far-off place.

The Bush Administration says the upheaval in Yugoslavia affects the security of the United States. I certainly don’t feel less secure, and nobody I know feels less secure, as a result of the ages-old feuds among Croats, Serbs and others over there.

Let’s not get carried away. The average American no longer feels obliged to be the world’s policeman. I should think that President Bush would have learned that from the surge of support for Ross Perot.


Let ‘em fight! Pay no attention. Didn’t our mothers teach us not to get involved in somebody else’s fight? There will always be troubles in the rest of the world. The national credo should be “MYOB”--mind your own business!


