
Roadwork: Major projects for the week of July 12-18

FREEWAYS & HIGHWAYS Where: California 118/Los Angeles Avenue; Condor Drive to Princeton Avenue Problem: Traffic delays Why: Construction When: All week Where: Ventura Freeway between Figueroa and Dulah streets Problem: Lane closure Why: Paving When: Sunday through Thursday, 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. Where: Ventura Freeway between Westlake Boulevard and Del Norte Road Problem: Ramp closure Why: Repair When: All week Where: Ventura Freeway; Borchard Road offramp Problem: Lane closure Why: Crack sealing When: Monday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Where: Ventura Freeway; Rice Avenue onramp Problem: Lane closure Why: Shoulder repair When: Tuesday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. COUNTY ROADS Where: Victoria Avenue between Olivas Park Drive and Gonzales Road Problem: Traffic delays Why: Construction When: All week Where: Telegraph Road between Briggs Road and Santa Paula city limit Problem: Road closure Why: Construction When: All week CITY STREETS Camarillo: No projects reported Oxnard Where: Ventura Road between Channel Islands Boulevard and Park Avenue Problem: Lane closures Why: Construction When: All week Where: Colonia Road between Rose and Juanita avenues Problem: Lane closures Why: Road widening When: All week Where: Fifth Street between C and H streets Problem: Traffic delays Why: Construction When: All week Where: Rose Avenue between Colonia and Gonzales roads Problem: Road closed Why: Construction When: All week Where: C Street between Robert Avenue and Gonzales road Problem: Lane closures Why: Construction When: All week Where: Etting Road between Olds Road and Highway 1 Problem: Road closed Why: Sewer replacement When: All week Thousand Oaks: No projects reported Ventura Where: Thompson Boulevard between Borchard Avenue and Frances Street Problem: Traffic delays Why: Construction When: Monday through Friday Where: Seaward and Borchard avenues and Katherine Drive, all between Main Street and Thompson Boulevard Problem: Traffic delays Why: Construction When: Monday through Friday Where: Main Street between Donlon Street and Callens Road Problem: Traffic delays Why: Construction When: Monday through Friday Where: Main Street between Catalina Street and Lincoln Drive Problem: Traffic delays Why: Patching When: Monday through Thursday Where: Telegraph Road eastbound from Mills Road to Ashwood Avenue Problem: Traffic delays Why: Patching When: Monday through Thursday
