
Foes of Planned Youth Club May Go to Court Over Loss of View


Contending that a new youth center in Simi Valley will spoil their mountain view, a homeowners group and an office complex owner plan to go to court to try to force the City Council to reconsider the project.

Council members on April 6 approved construction of the $3.3-million Boys & Girls Club of Simi Valley on Lemon Street at the southwest corner of Rancho Tapo Community Park near City Hall.

Community critics say a full environmental impact review should have been performed to address the view issue, but the council ruled such a study was not needed.


The opponents and city officials have met several times in recent weeks, trying to resolve the dispute. The two sides will meet again today, seeking a solution prior to the court hearing scheduled for Thursday before Ventura County Superior Court Commissioner John H. Pattie.

If an agreement is not reached, Matt Green, attorney for the Alamo Court Homeowners Assn. and CPC Enterprises, said he will seek a court order that would force the City Council to review the project again. CPC Enterprises owns the Park Plaza office complex near the proposed club site, which sits between the complex and the mountains.

Green said state law required the city to conduct a full environmental review if there was any indication that the project would have an impact on the surrounding area. “I believe overwhelmingly that there was evidence to that effect presented,” he said.


But Councilwoman Judy Mikels disagreed. “All of the environmental documents were done properly,” she said Monday. “There’s no basis for requesting an environmental impact report.”

Mikels said she remained optimistic that minor design changes could end the dispute. “Both sides are trying very hard to resolve the issue out of court,” she said.

The Boys & Girls Club now leases spaces in a former school. The proposed 25,565-square-foot building at the park would provide the club with more space, said Brian Gabler, a city staff member. He said the building is expected to include a gymnasium, weight room, arts and crafts room, conference center and multipurpose room.


The center is to be built with redevelopment bond funds on land leased from the city and the Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District.

The homeowners and the office complex owner filed suit in May, arguing that the club would block the residents’ and office tenants’ view of the Santa Susana Mountains north of the city.

Rebecca Merrell, executive director of the youth club, could not be reached for comment Monday concerning the view issue.

Despite the legal dispute, design work on the club building is continuing and ground-breaking could take place by the end of the year. “Everything is proceeding,” Gabler said.
