
SIMI VALLEY : School Board OKs Vocational Center

Simi Valley school board members voted Monday to establish a Technology Education Center that will offer three vocational training programs beginning in September at no cost to the school district.

The center, to be located on the former Belwood Elementary School campus, would be run through the Simi Valley Adult School. But unlike the adult school, which charges a $20 registration fee, the center would charge $6 per instructional hour per student. Officials plan for the program to support itself.

Adult school officials anticipate that many of the students who would participate in the daytime training programs would be referred by private vocational rehabilitation agencies or federal Job Training Partnership Act program operators. In September, the center is scheduled to offer training programs for future legal assistants, medical insurance billing technicians and desktop publishers.


Due to state limits placed on both adult and high school student attendance at the adult school, officials decided that there was a need to offer new vocational training programs that would not depend on the Simi Valley Unified School District for funding.

Last school year, the adult school served more than 14,000 students, the largest number during the past decade.
