
Cooler Days in Forecast


Temperatures in Orange County cooled to the 80s Monday and meteorologists forecast even cooler weather countywide this week.

After several days of 90-degree heat and humidity, residents from Seal Beach to Anaheim to San Clemente will see more “typical summer weather” for the next several days, said Rick Dittmann, a meteorologist with WeatherData Inc., which provides forecasts for The Times.

Mornings along the coast will begin with low clouds that will clear up by the afternoon, Dittmann said. Inland skies should remain clear throughout the day, meteorologists said.


The temperatures this week are “not looking like banner days at the beach,” Dittmann said. High temperatures will range from the mid-60s along the coast to the mid-80s inland, Dittmann said.

The weather “seems to be in a pattern that is stagnant,” Dittmann said, adding that “the air pattern will show little change” this week.

Temperatures Monday hit 89 in Lake Forest and 84 in Santa Ana. Lows on Monday ranged in the low- to mid-60s, according to WeatherData Inc.


Unlike Hurricane Darby, which left muggy air over the county last week, hurricanes Frank and Georgette off the coast of Baja California are too far southwest to impact weather in the Orange County area, Dittmann said.

The South Coast Air Quality Management District predicted good to moderate air quality for today throughout the county.
