
HUNTINGTON BEACH : Council OKs Use of Pushcarts, Kiosks

Despite a dispute that has divided downtown merchants, the City Council has approved outdoor pushcarts and kiosks for the Main Street area.

The council on Monday night voted 5 to 1 to allow the carts and kiosks to continue, subject to numerous regulations.

The European-like outdoor vendors have been selling in the downtown area for several months. Some store merchants have been hostile, saying the outdoor vendors are taking away from their business. Critics also have questioned whether the pushcart and kiosk merchants accurately keep tabs on sales taxes.


But supporters of the outdoor vendors said they add quaintness and flair to the downtown. Supporters, including several business owners, said they think the outdoor vendors complement downtown business.

A citizens’ committee appointed by the City Council to study the issue voted 3 to 2 against continuance of the pushcarts and kiosks. But during public comments at the council’s meeting on Monday night, many business owners testified in favor of the outdoor vendors.

Councilman Jack Kelly, who cast the lone vote against the pushcarts and kiosks, said he was baffled by the situation.


“We’ve got a committee that says, ‘No kiosks,’ then all of a sudden we’ve got 8,000 extras coming out of the woodwork saying, ‘Hey, that’s not what we want,’ ” said Kelly, a television and motion picture actor.
