
Countywide : New Clerk Chosen for County Board

Phyllis A. Henderson, a senior staff analyst for the county’s General Services Agency, has been named the new clerk of the Board of Supervisors.

Henderson will replace Linda Ruth, who resigned in June to become city clerk of Chino Hills.

Henderson came out on top of a statewide search to fill the post. Board Chairman Roger R. Stanton described Henderson as a “seasoned manager with great experience and deep insight into the administrative process.”


Henderson, a six-year county employee, was previously both clerk of the Board of Supervisors and registrar of voters for Santa Barbara County. She also had extensive public relations experience as alumni director for Caltech from 1981 to 1986.

As a senior staff analyst, Henderson provided administrative support to county transportation, communications, data processing and purchasing operations.

She will be officially appointed at the Board of Supervisors’ meeting Tuesday.
