
Clinton Cuts Campaign Debt by $1 Million, Records Show

<i> From a Times Staff Writer</i>

Democratic presidential candidate Bill Clinton was able to pay off some of his campaign debts last month, but he was still nearly $3 million in debt at the end of June, according to reports received Tuesday by the Federal Election Commission.

Clinton told the FEC that he raised $4.7 million while spending more than $4 million during June. He finished the month with a deficit of about $2.9 million, or about $1 million less than his debts at the end of May.

The FEC report does not substantiate claims by Clinton aides that the Democratic nominee’s fund raising picked up in June following the last presidential primaries. In fact, his receipts during June were slightly less than the $5 million he raised in May.


Although Clinton’s receipts in June exceeded those of President Bush, who reported raising $2.5 million last month, the President continued to report a surplus of more than $8 million.

Clinton and Bush each will receive more than $55 million in public funds to help finance their general election campaigns.
