
Newport-Mesa Debutantes Take a Bow at Ball

Debutantes who looked more like brides in their regal white gowns and long gloves took their formal St. James bows at Saturday’s Medallion Debutante Ball.

About 450 people turned out to watch 23 young women make their debut at the International Ballroom of the Hyatt Regency Irvine. The $100-per-person ball, presented by the Assistance League of Newport-Mesa, raised about $20,000 for the league.

Women in White

“Being a debutante is a lot of fun because you get close to a lot of people,” said Mary Crane, 17, of Newport Beach who wore the same white gown her two sisters wore when they were debutantes.


The ball was the debutantes’ reward for four years of work with the Assisteens Auxiliary. Members are in the ninth to 12th grades and volunteer to work in the Assistance League’s Child Day Care Center in Costa Mesa, thrift shop, Newport Harbor Art Museum, Orangewood Home for Abused Children and other community service projects.

“You learn to be patient with little kids,” said debutante Sara Eagle, an 18-year-old Corona del Mar resident who volunteered at the day care center. “I came home with headaches.”

Taking a Bow

Debutantes entered the ballroom on the arms of their fathers through a gazebo decked with pink roses.


They walked the length of the ballroom, presented their mothers with roses, then took their formal bows. The debs danced a waltz with their fathers and escorts before sitting down to dinner.

At tables adorned with rose-covered topiaries, guests were served a dinner of consomme of pheasant en croute, California summer salad with vegetable vinaigrette, petit filet mignon with grilled salmon and a pink peppercorn sauce and bouquetiere of vegetables. Dessert was a trio of creme brulee , opera cake and almond basket with fresh berries.

Deb Comeback

“Debutante balls are definitely coming back, along with big weddings,” said Cheri Harris, ball chairwoman. “It seems to become more popular year by year.”

This was the league’s third and largest debutante ball.

“There’s a thrill the daddies get from seeing their daughters all dressed up and beautiful,” Harris said.


Also making their debuts were Kelly Abraham, Michelle Lynn Bonner, Kelly Canright, Lisa Clark, Stacy deBoom, Amy Frankson, Gemma Fratantaro, Marissa Frost, Jennifer Glueck, Allison Graham, Nyra Harris, Jennifer Jackson, Erika Myers, Sally Newberry, Carrie Oswald, Darcell Roberts, Kristin Spataro, Maeve St. Leger, Heather Vodra, Yvette Wilkinson and Sarah Williams.

Guests included Robert and Elaine Basmajian, Ray and Patricia Biggerstaff, John and Donna Crean, Janet De Ruff, league President Ann Foreman, Dale and Joanne Johnston, Jim and Tricia Kerrigan, Marie France Lefebvre, James and Sue Mears, George and Nancy Wall and Kristi Weber.
