
SANTA ANA : Grant Will Fund Parking Structure

The City Council has earmarked a $4.5-million state grant to build a 423-space structure to increase parking capacity at the Regional Transportation Center.

Designed to encourage people to park their cars and take commuter trains, the parking structure will replace the existing 130-space lot at the center at 1000 E. Santa Ana Blvd.

The council voted unanimously Monday to approve the project as part of its consent calendar.


The increased parking capacity will alleviate occasional crowding there and also accommodate a planned increase in the number of trains running though the center, said Paul Emery, project manager for public works. “We’re trying to make (using trains) as convenient and accessible as possible.”

The city received the Transportation Capital Improvement Grant from the state Department of Transportation.

Design for the structure will begin in August followed by a yearlong construction phase expected to end in the spring of 1994.
