
Preview of Future at Inventors Expo

Many wonderful and crazy things--as well as items grounded in solid scientific research--can be found at an inventors exposition. The Fourth International Inventors and Entrepreneurs InvenTech Expo ‘92, Thursday through Sunday in Long Beach, is no exception.

One highlight is a display of electric cars, human-powered and alternative energy vehicles as part of the Electrathon competition.

A demonstration race of electric and alternative energy vehicles is scheduled for 8 a.m. Sunday in the Queen Mary parking lot. Call (805) 484-9786 or (805) 498-0958.



Students entering grades nine through 12 can learn about marine research and oceanography at Cabrillo Marine Museum’s “Marine Sci Hi,” a five-day workshop beginning Monday. Students will study marine animal behavior and conduct a mini-research project in the marine science lab. Reservations are required. Call (310) 548-7563.

Plankton, jellyfish and other marine life will be discussed by Mike Schaadt, Cabrillo Marine Museum exhibits director, at the meeting tonight of the Los Angeles chapter of the American Cetacean Society at 7:30 in the museum auditorium. A tour of the museum exhibit “Open Ocean: The Vast Frontier” will follow. Call (310) 548-8500.


Bob Brooks of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s Mars Observer Team will discuss the planned Mars Observer spacecraft mission and future plans to explore the red planet at the Santa Monica College Planetarium program on Friday at 8 p.m., immediately after the weekly Night Sky Show at 7 p.m. Telescope viewing will be offered after the presentation. weather permitting. Call (310) 452-9396 for tickets or (310) 452-9223 for information.



The relationship between plants and animals in the environment will be the subject of “Webs and Chains,” a workshop offered at the Kidspace Museum in Pasadena for children 6 and older Thursday at 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. Call (818) 449-9144.
