
COUNTYWIDE : No End in Sight to Area’s Fair Weather

Cool breezes have made the past few days more bearable and weather forecasters are predicting that the current conditions will continue through the weekend.

The large, upper-level high pressure system that has resulted in temperatures in the upper-80s in the inland areas will prevail for several more days, said meteorologist Steve Burback with WeatherData Inc., which provides forecasts for The Times.

“That translates into pleasant days with temperatures about three to five degrees above normal,” Burback said. “And, there’s no signs of a real shift anytime soon although the weekend may be a few degrees cooler.”


While temperatures inland ranged from the low to mid-80s Monday, southwesterly winds swirling through the coastal areas turned county beaches into a cool, relaxing haven for beach-goers.

“It can be a little brisk walking on the pier but it’s fairly pleasant here today,” said Matt Mauser, a lifeguard at Huntington Beach.

Monday’s temperatures ranged from the high 60s in coastal areas to the low to mid-80s in inland areas. Today’s weather is likely to drop a few degrees, Burback said, adding that no rain is in the forecast.
