
Ross Perot’s Budget Plan

Thank you for running a positive editorial (July 22) on Ross Perot’s budget proposals. Don’t you think it’s a little odd that he got out just when he did? I honestly believe the man wanted to do good, and can’t understand why he didn’t quit later, after his proposals were more a part of the debate and the other candidates had been forced to respond to a hard-line proposal to actually balance the budget, not just talk about it.

What you ought to do is run in-depth pieces on each of his major proposals. Really look into what a 50-cent gas-tax hike would do. Yes, it’s regressive, but rich people are richer and everything they buy hurts their wallet less. Let’s try to get an evenhanded, unpoliticized fix on what it would do to the automotive, tourist and other industries.

Let’s find out what happens if we cut rich people out of the Social Security system? Start looking at Social Security more as part of the social safety net than a savings account for one’s old age. You could go through the Tsongas/Perot budget-balancing proposals and demystify some of the rhetoric.



Los Angeles
