
VENTURA : Stuck Red Light Backs Up Traffic

A traffic signal, stuck on a red light for 12 minutes on Victoria Avenue at Valentine Road in Ventura Tuesday evening, caused a gridlock of cars on the eight-lane throughway for more than two hours, authorities said.

The light was stuck for cars heading in both directions. It backed up traffic as far north as Gaviota Lane, about half a mile away, Ventura Desk Officer Patricia Chapa said.

Ventura police received a call about the light at 5:37 p.m., Chapa said. Officers had set the timing on the lights back to normal with a master key by 5:49 p.m., she said.


The traffic, however, was still creeping along at a snail’s pace at 6:30 p.m., some drivers reported.

“Sometimes it just happens,” Chapa said.
