
Doctor Agrees to Training on Signs of Rape : Hospitals: Emergency room physician had pleaded innocent to charges of failing to tell authorities that a teen-age girl had been assaulted.


When a 14-year-old girl was found unconscious and partly unclothed in a park last March, paramedics took her to Long Beach Community Hospital. Despite signs that she had been raped, the emergency room doctor who treated the shaken and intoxicated teen-ager did not appear to recognize them.

Concluding that the teen-ager had been involved in consensual sex, Dr. Kathie R. Calloway failed to collect physical evidence and report the case to authorities.

The teen-ager’s mother reported the assault and Long Beach prosecutors, in a rare move, charged the doctor with failing to report child abuse. On Tuesday, Calloway, who pleaded not guilty to the charge, agreed to undergo a training program to learn how to identify rape cases.


Long Beach Municipal Court Commissioner Ralph R. Olson agreed to a program under which Calloway will complete a six-month court diversion program. Calloway will be taught how to identify rape cases and will give other doctors similar training. The case is expected to be dismissed afterward.

Doug Blaydes, a detective in the juvenile investigations bureau of Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, said that had it not been “for the mother’s persistence . . . this case would have gone nowhere.”

The incident occurred March 17, according to statements the teen-ager gave to authorities several days after the incident. She told deputies that she and a girlfriend had gone with two boys to a friend’s house. There, she drank a glass of liquor, became intoxicated and passed out.


Deputies later arrested two youths, but only one has been charged in the incident. Joseph Lewis, 17, a football player at Millikan High School, was accused of raping the victim and dumping her at Wardlow Park. He recently pleaded no contest to four counts of rape and other sex crimes. Lewis was tried as an adult and faces up to 10 years in jail, according to Deputy Dist. Atty. Carol Rose.

The girl told authorities she awoke in a daze as Lewis was attacking her, Rose said. Paramedics took the teen-ager to Long Beach Community Hospital.

The girl’s mother, who asked to not be identified, said she realized that her daughter had been assaulted shortly after arriving at the emergency room.


“She was next to hysterical,” the woman said an interview Tuesday. “When she said ‘I want to go home and take a bath,’ I turned to the doctor and asked ‘Did you examine her?’ ”

Calloway conducted a full examination of the girl at her mother’s request. But the woman said that during the four hours they were together the doctor refused to consider the possibility that the girl was raped and tried to persuade the girl not to call police.

The mother said that at least three times, Calloway told her: “ ‘You don’t want to hang a rape charge on a young boy.’ I kept saying, ‘What about my daughter?’ ”

The doctor allegedly also asked the youngster whether she had sex as part of an initiation rite into a gang.

Calloway could not be reached for comment on the mother’s statements. But the doctor’s attorney, Mark E. Beck, said the physician denied making such remarks.

“Dr. Calloway disputes that vigorously. She never said it,” Beck said. Beck described the physician as “a highly regarded professional who’s never made a mistake.” When Calloway saw the girl, he said, she was intoxicated and at first denied having sex. After the examination, the doctor believed the girl had consented to sex, Beck said. “Dr. Calloway had no motive to protect some kid she didn’t know,” Beck said referring to Lewis.


Deputy City Prosecutor Lynda Vitale said that her office decided to undertake the unusual step of filing charges against a doctor because “the circumstances under which this child was found should have alerted everyone there was abuse.”
