
HUNTINGTON BEACH : School-Area Speed Limits Under Study

After hearing a series of complaints from parents and teachers about the speed of vehicles on Brookhurst and Bushard streets, the City Council has asked for a staff investigation.

Parents of schoolchildren told the council on Monday night that the city has recently allowed speed limits to increase to as much as 55 m.p.h. on some parts of Brookhurst Street and to 50 m.p.h. on parts of Bushard Street.

Parents and teachers said that such speeds are unsafe because there are many schools near both Bushard and Brookhurst streets. They urged the City Council to demand that the speed limits be reduced.


“Please make a decision for safety and sanity,” said Margot Finestone, president of a parent-teacher organization at Sowers Middle School.

After several parents and teachers had talked about the speed problem on the two streets, Councilman Don MacAllister said he was convinced immediate action is needed. He said that the city staff should not try to defend the existing limits but instead find ways to lower those speeds.

A staff report on the speed limits on the two streets is expected within the next month.
