
VALENCIA : Plane Lands in Lot at Magic Mountain

The pilot of a light plane made an emergency landing Tuesday in the parking lot of Six Flags Magic Mountain amusement park in Valencia, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department said.

The 1977 Cherokee developed oil pressure problems and lost power shortly after noon as the pilot, accompanied by one passenger, flew from Oxnard to Van Nuys Airport, where the plane is based, Sgt. Richard Lichten said.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Sept. 3, 1992 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Thursday September 3, 1992 Valley Edition Metro Part B Page 7 Column 1 Zones Desk 1 inches; 31 words Type of Material: Correction
Pilot’s age--Due to an error in information provided by authorities, the age of a pilot who made an emergency landing Tuesday at Six Flags Magic Mountain was erroneously reported in Wednesday’s Times. Kevin Kahl is 35.

The problem forced the plane’s pilot to make an emergency landing in a parking lot at the amusement park, Lichten said. Kevin Kahl, 32, and Stuart Cook, 47, were uninjured in the landing and the plane was undamaged.


The aircraft landed on an empty overflow parking lot at the northern end of Feedmill Road, said Magic Mountain spokeswoman Eileen Harrel.
