
Computerization of L.A. Schools

The Times published a recent (Aug. 10) article critical of the computerization of the Los Angeles Unified School District. The district and The Times agree that it is imperative for our district to have computer systems that are fully integrated, and we are moving in that direction.

This technology is not only important for fiscal efficiency but, additionally, when the computer systems are fully integrated, each school will have access to and control of the information it needs for more effective local decision-making.

The public should be assured that, as is the case with other responsible government agencies, the system that manages the payroll for our 95,000 employees is fully computerized. Our goal now is to decentralize our computer capabilities--to make it possible for school principals to retrieve personnel and other needs data from terminals at local schools.


Another major computerization task presents an enormous challenge: an information system to keep track of more than 800,000 students. The annual transiency rate of 25%-30%--students moving from one school to another school, within and/or outside of the district--places an additional burden on such a computer system.

When such a system is in place, teachers will have immediate access to information about a new student’s previous courses, test scores, grades and attendance.

An equally formidable challenge we have faced is building a computer network to link more than 750 schools covering the 708 square miles of our district. Our progress on this task has earned John Nagata, the head of our information technology division, recognition from Carnegie-Mellon University’s Graduate School of Industrial Administration. We are on track and we will have this districtwide network fully operational in 1994.


Finally, the public should be aware that a major goal of the Los Angeles Unified School District is to decentralize our information processing services, using the network described above.

I welcome anyone to tour our computer center and learn more about what we have accomplished and our plans for the future.


Superintendent, LAUSD
