
FILLMORE : County to Vote on Paramedic Staffing

Paramedics will begin riding along routinely on ambulance calls in Fillmore, Piru and Santa Paula for the first time later this month, if Ventura County supervisors approve the plan as expected.

The three communities are the only areas in Ventura County without advanced life-support services on ambulances, said Fillmore Fire Chief Pat Askren.

Up to now, paramedics have been available only on a standby basis, Askren said.

Paramedics are trained to begin potentially life-saving intravenous medications, Askren said, while emergency medical technicians now staffing local ambulances are not.


Paramedic service was delayed in the three communities because of resistance from the medical staff at Santa Paula Memorial Hospital, which receives most of the injured and ill from the three communities, said Dr. David Chase, medical director of Ventura County Emergency Medical Services.

Supervisors are tentatively scheduled to consider the plan Sept. 15. Askren said that no opposition is expected.
