
LAKE VIEW TERRACE : City Will Pay Fine Over Landfill Odors

The Los Angeles City Council agreed Friday to pay a $10,000 fine to settle a lawsuit alleging that workers caused an odor problem when they failed to properly operate gas control equipment at the Lopez Canyon garbage dump.

The action settles a lawsuit filed by the South Coast Air Quality Management District, the agency that administers air quality regulations affecting the huge, city-owned dump in Lake View Terrace.

The city was cited Nov. 13, 1990, after a district inspector, responding to neighbors’ complaints of foul odors, found that workers drilling wells into the landfill failed to turn on certain equipment. The equipment was designed to capture gases, the product of garbage rotting underground, released into the atmosphere by the drilling.


The wells were being drilled by Advanco Constructors, a private contractor, as part of an ambitious program to control the gases that have been a sore point with neighbors for years.

The money from the fine is to be placed in an account that will help pay for the safe collection of household hazardous wastes from Los Angeles city residents. Advanco has agreed to pay half the fine.
