
Handicapped by the City

I have volunteered for eight years at the Institute of Equestrian Therapy and I have watched with disappointment the actions of Simi Valley to deliberately handicap this organization.

Officials in Simi should ask themselves several questions: Is there a need? Is the city prepared to fund this need? If not, who will and how can we help? I don’t know anyone who thinks bingo is an ideal way to fund therapy for the disabled. But until the need goes away, don’t stop IET from doing its job.

There is a painless way for Simi to help. Last year, IET made a proposal to Simi Recreation and Parks Dept.: Simi would lease for a nominal amount a portion of the Arroyo Simi Equestrian Park and IET would develop the site for a community-oriented entry-level equestrian facility for the able-bodied and the disabled of Simi Valley. (The parks department has not formally responded to this). This is a win-win proposal for the people of Simi and IET.


This is not a debate about bingo. This is a debate about how we will pay for the care of the disabled. These people could be our family members and friends and they all benefit from the Institute of Equestrian Therapy. Don’t throw away 17 years of progress and service to the community.


