
Sierra Madre : Transportation Subsidy Cut

The city’s subsidized transportation services were scaled back last week to save about $50,000 annually.

The City Council voted unanimously Tuesday to reduce the hours of dial-a-ride and the taxicab voucher program, to raise the charge for out-of-town taxi service and to eliminate deliveries to residents. The council also placed a budget cap of $105,000 on the program, which cost $154,515 last year.

City staff estimated that as much as $1,000 per month had been spent on deliveries to residents’ homes. Councilwoman Mary Ann MacGillivray recommended to one person who protested the decision that the resident contact local drugstores and request that they resume delivery services.


New hours for dial-a-ride and subsidized taxi service are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. They were previously 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. The fare for dial-a-ride and taxi trips outside the city will go up from 50 cents to $1, and those electing to use taxi vouchers will be charged regular cab fare outside city limits.

Taxi vouchers and dial-a-ride fares for trips to downtown will remain 25 cents for senior citizens and the handicapped, and 50 cents for others. Trips elsewhere in the city will remain 50 cents for all passengers.
