
Paper Diaper-Using Welfare Mothers Get No Sympathy Here

I know I shouldn’t let it get me down, but I hate getting hard-hearted as I become inured to all these hard-luck stories of welfare women I see in the newspapers.

One example (“Welfare, Education Take Hit,” Sept. 3) is the lady on welfare for two years since her first child was born--now she has two. Where is her sense of responsibility? Why did she have a second one? My daughter and her husband make over $50,000 per year, yet they can’t afford another baby. Then this same lady puts out $125 for paper diapers. During hard times my mother-in-law washed her diapers in the bathtub by hand. I was better off--I had a washer. Cloth diapers are better for the environment. All she would have to buy is soap then she would have $100 more a month for food.

M.C. THOMAS, Garden Grove
