
A Yes Vote for Biker Ministry; No on Politicians

After reading the article, “Ministry’s Biker Image Causes Uproar” (Aug. 29), I would like to say that I live near the south end of Anaheim Boulevard and travel through the area in question regularly.

I admire the beautiful condition of the properties the people of Set Free Christian Fellowship (SFCF) inhabit.

I have yet to be inconvenienced any more than one normally is traveling Anaheim Boulevard north of Lincoln Avenue (a problem that’s been there a lot longer than SFCF), and on the rare occasion when there is a slight backup, the SFCF members have been extremely courteous and helpful.


I cannot believe that a government official from Anaheim could be small-minded enough to create a negative stereotype of people according to the clothes they wear.

I would hope that the citizens of Anaheim (the SFCF ministry included) expect more intelligent behavior from their elected officials than this absurd form of discrimination.

I suspect that this “image” nonsense is nothing more than an effort to discredit the SFCF because they happen to be in the way of the Anaheim council’s plans for the downtown area.


Forget the fantastic work the SFCF is doing by helping people who not only need help, but have been unable to find or obtain the kind of help they need from any government-funded organizations.

But as politicians relentlessly and mercilessly prove to us, there is no profit in helping people, and if people do get in the way of progress, declare them a menace and sweep them aside.

Mr. (William) Taormina appears to be an honest, decent man. I hope he’s independent enough to withstand the pressure these people are capable of applying.


