
A Time to Pity Victims of Stick-It-to-Em Government

I feel sorry for me and the rest of the citizens.

In recent years, California and Orange County voters were conned into voting for tax increases for transportation purposes. Now, the Orange County Transportation Authority has so much money that it has a hard time figuring ways to get rid of it.

It frequently puts out many pieces of literature bragging about how much it is doing. It is going overboard for expensive restricted lanes without proof of their effectiveness.

In the upcoming election, we have to pick the lesser of two evils for President. Four years ago, the incumbent offered no new taxes and reduced deficits. He did approve new taxes and the federal deficits have reached historic highs.


He now talks about no new taxes and a balanced budget. His main opponent admits the possibility of new taxes, and we can forget the chances of a balanced budget. The federal debt will soon reach $4 trillion. Scary, isn’t it?

We have a governor who is a member of the party that is considered conservative, and yet he approved the highest tax increase in California’s history.

Don’t be surprised if we get more tax increases and more funds taken from local governments.


Two county supervisors represent Garden Grove. They both approved huge pay increases for themselves while the county was having budget problems.

Two of the Garden Grove councilmen running for mayor would have us believe that there is a difference between them. One admits that he favors a tax on utilities and, last year, he did approve a utility tax.

The other one was elected to the council on a platform of opposing tax increases and particularly opposing utility taxes. Last year, he cast the deciding vote on a utility tax and a number of other taxes.


It is a sad situation.

We have a “Stick-It-to-Em” government in Washington, in the state, in the county and in Garden Grove, and I feel like a porcupine with its skin on wrong-side-out.

BOB DINSEN, Garden Grove
