
Reality Checks on Boxer Incident?

Gil Ferguson should be ashamed of himself. The behavior that he and his cronies exhibited at what was scheduled to be a Barbara Boxer news conference was reprehensible, incorrigible, and absolutely unacceptable (“Boxer O.C. Rally Overpowered by Political Foes,” Sept. 16).

Do not get me wrong. I firmly believe that an individual should have the right to exercise his or her First Amendment rights. Ferguson, however, completely overstepped these bounds.

What happened out there on the steps of the Newport Beach City Hall was in plain and simple terms harassment and intimidation. If he thinks that he has the right to express his own opinion, why shouldn’t Barbara Boxer and her supporters have equal time to give theirs?


As far as I can deduce, Herschensohn supporters are incredible zealots who revel in their own self-inflated egos and who are so entangled in their antics that they cannot seem to see the light of day.

I have news for Ferguson: His time has passed. He must learn to accept the fact that he has alienated and estranged his own Republican Party members.

Republicans who have come out in support of Democratic candidates should not have to endure the harsh, vicious and ridiculous antics of someone like Gil Ferguson and the Herschensohn supporters.



Newport Beach
