
INVENTIONS : Faxcess Makes It Easier to Transmit Stored Documents

Compiled by Ted Johnson; Special to the Times

You’ve heard the follow-up call over and over: “Did you get the fax?”

“Nope. We’ll have to try it again.”

But now ComArt International has a device that makes it easier to transmit documents, with no one required to stand by the fax machine and make sure the transmission is completed.

Faxcess is a black metal box with a memory system that stores hundreds of documents, whether hard copy or from a desktop publishing system. Callers can then request any of the stored documents by touch-tone phone and have them automatically faxed. They can find what they need by using an index that gives each document a pre-assigned number.

ComArt International, based in Lake Forest, is pitching the product to businesses, which can place their fax numbers along with the document index in newspaper and TV ads. Then a company can determine how much interest an ad generates based on the number of faxes the machine dispenses. The machine, selling for $2,495, also allows a caller--such as someone on a car phone or in a hotel room--to have a document transmitted by Faxcess to someone else.
