
Goldberg and Metzger

The majority of Howard Rosenberg’s comments on “The Whoopi Goldberg Show” were positive (“The Devastating Truth About Rush Limbaugh on TV,” Sept. 21), but when he said her format betrayed her when Tom Metzger was on, I totally disagreed.

Certainly a lesson has been learned from other talk shows when they involved highly controversial topics. Often tension is simply too thick, leaving audiences angry and sometimes violent. Why subject them to that?

Being black myself, confronting a white supremacist would serve no purpose but to upset me and to upset him. Goldberg, on the other hand, asked questions that we all have thought about at one time or another but have assumed the answers incorrectly.


The show didn’t upset me, but it also didn’t pull the wool over my eyes and make me think Metzger was harmless. We’re all God’s children; we should live together and communicate.

