
Perot Re-Enters Presidential Race

Why is it that when Perot, a non-candidate of no particular party, achieves 50-state ballot status, it’s announced on every newscast, and found on the front page of practically every paper in the country? Yet when the Libertarian candidate accomplished the same thing, at about the same time, I can’t even find it on the back page.

The biggest difference between these two feats is that Perot had the advantage of media attention (not to mention the $18.5 million he was able to spend on his “non-campaign”). Andre Marrou and Nancy Lord have been able to achieve this almost entirely through their (and their staff’s) hard work and the grass-roots efforts of Libertarians across the country.

If we really want to regain control of our country; if we really want to “clean house” and get some new blood in Congress; if we really want to break the deadlock between Congress and the White House, we need a tie-breaker . . . we need a third party. We need Libertarians to balance the power.



Running Springs
