
Trading Weapons for Hostages

Finally, someone has clearly stated the obvious and brought to reason the carnival of denial in which the Bush campaign and the Republican Party have been engaging (“Loop Denial: What’s the Truth?” editorial, Oct. 8). Clearly, if trust, values and moral rectitude are to be their battle flags, the Bush campaign must be willing to temper the stridence of their piety with honesty and truthfulness. Yet, mendacity and mean-spiritedness seem their only impetus as they assault Bill Clinton with charges that, by their own admission, are completely unsubstantiated.

George Bush said that he would do anything to get reelected. Apparently, we should have taken him at his word. For like the fighter who, losing late in a bout, throws desperately wild punches, George Bush now appears to be hoping for a miracle and is willing to forsake the respect of the American people to get it.


Los Angeles
