
Rally Plugs In to the Future of Electric Cars

More than 60 electric cars and other alternative-energy vehicles will hit the road in Long Beach today for a three-day competitive rally aimed at upgrading their image.

“People tend to think of electric cars as glorified golf carts,” says Peter Quinn Hackes, director of the 1992 International Electric Grand Prix. “But these cars have stamina. Some of them go over 100 miles an hour.”

Why should we care? Because California air quality law dictates that 2% of the 1998 cars sold in California must be zero-emission vehicles. “We want to show the public that these cars will work well for them,” says Hackes. The street rally will wind through 26 cities before ending up in San Bernardino, and spectators are encouraged to go out and watch the non-polluting vehicles speed by.


At the finish line for each day’s rally, the Grand Prix will feature a free expo that includes close-up looks at electric, solar and other alternative vehicles and a chance to drive one.

The rally route--today: Veterans Stadium in Long Beach to Santa Monica College; Saturday: Santa Monica College to the Rose Bowl; Sunday, Rose Bowl to National Orange Show Stadium in San Bernardino. Information: (818) 565-5519.
