
Bruce Herschensohn

After reading “Herschensohn Finds Common Ground” (Oct. 4), I called some of my friends to share a laugh. Barbara Boxer, Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate, need do nothing but step back and watch Bruce Herschensohn verbally destroy himself. In a year when protection of the environment ranks high in the minds of voters, Herschensohn heartily agreed with a statement made by a Central Valley farmer that “things weren’t put on this Earth to be saved forever.” I think he misses the point of the entire environmental movement, which is not to save the Earth but to save ourselves. Those “things” the farmer was referring to can be extended to include humans. Compared to Boxer, who has been given the highest environmental rating in Congress by groups such as the Sierra Club and the California League of Conservation Voters, Herschensohn is a joke.

