
Higher Taxes for the Rich

I was astonished to read Greenberg’s perspective on taxes. Greenberg is a 34-year-old lawyer making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. He’s citizen of the country that rewards his kind with the highest wages and the lowest taxes paid by the citizens of any industrialized nation. He draws this reward for a service that’s about as useful as a beer commercial.

This nation has been very good to Greenberg. For him to equate his tax burden with the price of a McDonald’s hamburger is disingenuous at best or (at worst) solid, hard evidence that we need to tighten up the California Bar exam. I’d like to point out to Greenberg that it’s not McDonald’s that provides for the nation’s poor and the elderly, builds highways or provides for our common defense.

It doesn’t seem to me a lot to ask for the fortunate Greenbergs of America to have to pay a higher rate than the rest of us for their good fortune. (Surely, they don’t think they could pull this off anywhere else, do they?)


