
Campaign Offices

Having a teen-age son who has become acutely aware of this year’s presidential election, and realizing that he will be off to college by the time the next presidential election rolls around in four years, I wanted to take some time with him and visit the local campaign offices of the three major candidates.

We set off last Saturday morning and stopped first at the Democratic headquarters in Laguna Niguel. There we found an office with ample information on Clinton, Boxer, Feinstein, and various state government offices and local issues.

We loaded up on some reading materials and headed next to the Perot for President campaign office in Irvine. We were approached and greeted warmly at the door, encouraged to take some literature (as well as options on buying flags, hats and T-shirts), and thanked for coming as we departed.


Our final stop on the morning itinerary was the Republican headquarters in Costa Mesa, to pick up information and materials on George Bush and the other Republican hopefuls. The office was closed.

I think there may be a message there.


Lake Forest
