
Ross Perot’s Campaign

Whether he wins or loses this election, I believe Ross Perot should propel his many grass-roots supporters into the political mainstream by organizing a third major party to challenge the status quo in future elections. The dominant tenets of this new platform will include fiscal responsibility in government, public service for the collective good rather than for individual enrichment and, most of all, an agenda for government to make our nation economically competitive.

This Perot Party can move our country forward by engaging Democrats in a vigorous discussion as to how government can direct and lead us economically, not the stale, old debate over whether or not it should. My vision includes government/business/labor cooperation being forged from this exchange, rather than the division, blame and denial we’ve grown accustomed to.

And what of the Republicans? That question may have been answered at this year’s Houston convention. Pat Robertson’s Christian Coalition has targeted the GOP as the vehicle for its social agenda. A party which makes abortion, school prayer and vigilance against homosexual rights its foundation will always have a place in American politics. I just think it will be a small place.



Long Beach
