
MOORPARK : New Attire Urged for Code Officers

Responding to complaints that Moorpark code enforcement officers looked too much like Ventura County sheriff’s deputies, a City Council subcommittee has recommended issuing more civilian-looking attire to them.

The committee, made up of Mayor Paul Lawrason and Councilman Roy Talley, was appointed by the council in September and was asked to review the uniforms and suggest changes. Moorpark’s two code enforcement officers now wear khaki slacks and shirts, badges and thick, police-style belts.

Under the proposed changes, the officers would wear charcoal gray slacks, white shirts and matching gray jackets, Lawrason said. Badges would be carried in a wallet instead of being worn on the shirt, and the heavy belt would be replaced by a regular pants belt.


Lawrason said complaints by the public led to the changes, which must be approved by the full City Council.

“They looked exactly like sheriffs from a distance, and people were intimidated by that,” Lawrason said. “They felt that they were being approached and talked to by sheriff’s deputies. I have never felt that was necessary.”

Told of the proposed changes Tuesday, Moorpark Code Enforcement Officer Frank Mancino said he thought that the new uniforms would lead to more of an identification problem than the old ones.


“When you’re out there in the field and you’re wearing civilian clothes, they don’t know who you are,” Mancino said. “For two years, they’ve seen the uniforms and they know who we are. Now we’ve got to go around reintroducing ourselves.”

Ventura County Sheriff’s Lt. Geoff Dean, who supervises deputies assigned to Moorpark, supported the civilian look.

“I think it’s a change for the positive,” he said. “I just think it’s probably a more appropriate uniform for the job that they have to do.”


Lawrason said the matter probably will come before the council at its Nov. 4 meeting. If approved, the officers could be in the new uniforms about a month later.
