
BURBANK : Council Plans New Zoning for Arcades

The Burbank City Council, after refusing to allow a proposed video arcade to open, will develop a new zoning policy for arcades and pool halls, city officials said.

The council voted 5 to 0 Tuesday to reject a petition to open a 50-machine video arcade at 933 N. Hollywood Way and then instructed city planners to develop zoning guidelines for arcades.

“We felt it was an incompatible, unsafe use,” Councilman Thomas Flavin said. “We instructed staff to determine which of these areas would be compatible.”


The city planning staff is also developing an ordinance that would require parking spaces and bicycle racks outside new video arcades.

Mayor Robert Bowne has said the city may consider zoning rules that would allow arcades in areas zoned for industrial use rather than in retail and commercial areas.
