
UCI Poison Control Center Reduces Its Hours, Blames Inadequate Staffing

Beginning today, the UCI Regional Poison Center, which serves five counties, will reduce its operating hours because of severe staffing shortages, officials said.

The center, which formerly opened at 7 a.m., will now begin operating at 11 a.m. and continue to close at 9 p.m. each day.

Poison information by telephone will no longer be available during those four hours to residents of Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Inyo and Mono counties. Callers phoning the center’s toll-free number of 800-544-4404 will hear a recorded message instructing them to dial 911 for emergencies.


“We’ve exhausted all efforts to provide 24-hour service locally, even to the extent of trying to get coverage by other California poison centers and centers out-of-state,” said Don Hicks, senior associate director.

Currently, the Fresno Poison Center is taking calls for UCI’s center from 9 p.m. to 7 a.m.

The center takes more than 50,000 calls per year. Sixty-five percent of the calls involve children under the age of 5. It also responds to public health emergencies, Hicks said.

The center is now accepting donations. Checks can be sent to Poison Center, in care of UCI Medical Center Associates, Route 100, 101 The City Drive, Orange, Calif. 92668.
