
When Is Enough Madonna Enough?

The article unfortunately left out a few of my favorite moments of Madonna’s legacy, some of which include her strongly suggesting at her concert that together we can cure AIDS; putting safer sex information in her “Like a Prayer”; during a “Nightline” interview, asking Forrest Sawyer why extreme violence is business as usual in film but same-sex affection is such an outrage, and being quoted in a magazine article as having a dream of singing “Holiday” in a world without AIDS.

When I view Madonna, I don’t just see a take-her-or-leave-her icon but instead a woman who through her celebrity has saved my life and many of my friends by trying to cure the ills of AIDS and homophobia.

I can only say of her inspiration and contribution, “Thank you,” and I hope I am there to dance when she is able to sing “Holiday” and AIDS is nowhere to be heard.



West Hollywood
