
Reasoning on Phoenix House

Phoenix House has not attempted to work with “reasonable” neighbors in Lake View Terrace, as a recent letter writer stated. Judging by their outstanding lack of communication with the other approximately 3,485 out of 3,500 households in Lake View Terrace, it must be assumed that the Phoenix House definition of reasonable is “pliant” or “naive,” rather than “having the faculty of reason” as defined by Webster’s Dictionary.

The neighbors surrounding the hospital--indeed, throughout the Northeast Valley--have merely questioned whether it is sound judgment to place this facility of 150 adolescents within 50 feet of single-family homes, and wished to have the potential impacts articulated. Using the same Jocelyn Furginson used in her letter, we find her inference that we’re unreasonable quite naive, defined by Webster’s as “deficient in worldly wisdom or informed judgment” and pliant, defined as “easily influenced.”

SANDY HUBBARD, Lake View Terrace
