
A summary of significant Los Angeles City...

A summary of significant Los Angeles City Hall decisions affecting the Westside in the last week.


TRAFFIC SIGNS: Approved installing three-way stop signs at the intersection of Curson Avenue and Whitworth Drive in the Wilshire area to alleviate traffic congestion and reduce traffic accidents.

SIDEWALK SALE: Approved a proposal for the South Fairfax Street Merchants to hold a sidewalk sale Dec. 5 in an attempt to re-establish relationships with the surrounding neighborhoods after last spring’s civil disturbances. Fairfax Avenue between Olympic Boulevard and Whitworth Drive will be closed from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. for the “Curb Sale and Gathering.”


SENIOR HOUSING: Approved spending $791,400 from a special parking meter fund to complete the construction of a 400-space parking facility that is part of a 75-unit senior citizen housing complex being built at 1718 N. Cherokee Ave. in Hollywood.

HOME-COOKED MEALS: Councilwoman Ruth Galanter has requested that 4th Avenue between Slauson Avenue and 57th Street in the Crenshaw area be closed from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thanksgiving Day so Helpers for the Homeless and Hungry can use the area to serve hot home-cooked meals to the needy.

GATES: Approved withdrawing from public use the alley west of Barrington Avenue between Pearl Street and the Santa Monica Freeway in West Los Angeles to stop vandalism and thefts of residents’ automobiles. Gates are to be installed.


SHUTTLE SERVICE: Approved a proposal to spend $115,625 to continue operating the DASH bus shuttle service in Pacific Palisades for the 1992-93 fiscal year.


How Westside representatives voted on selected issues.

ELECTION FUNDS: Approved spending $1.3 million to finance Tuesday’s special city election, which includes Proposition N. Proposition N would allow the hiring of 1,000 additional police officers. Passed: 12-0.

VOTING YES: John Ferraro, Ruth Galanter, Nate Holden, Michael Woo and Zev Yaroslavsky. Marvin Braude and Mark Ridley-Thomas were absent.


SETTLEMENT: Approved spending $125,000 to settle a lawsuit against the city by Ted Ross, who was injured in 1988 when his car was struck by a police vehicle driven by a detective. Passed: 11-0.

VOTING YES: Ferraro, Galanter, Holden, Ridley-Thomas, Woo and Yaroslavsky. Braude was absent.

DISABLED FUNDS: Approved a proposal to spend $109,200 in federal funds to operate the computerized information center for the disabled in the mayor’s office for this fiscal year. The center provides such services as medical, legal, housing and financial referrals by telephone, mail or computer to the disabled. Passed: 11-0.

VOTING YES: Braude, Galanter, Ridley-Thomas, Woo and Yaroslavsky. Ferraro and Holden were absent.

AIDS: Approved a proposal to spend $10,000 to help sponsor an Educational Symposium on Injection Drug Users and AIDS scheduled Friday at the Grace Simon Lodge in Elysian Park. Passed: 10-0.

VOTING YES: Braude, Galanter, Holden and Yaroslavsky. Ferraro, Ridley-Thomas and Woo were absent.
