
Builder Opens Irvine Office: Rudolph and Sletten...

Builder Opens Irvine Office: Rudolph and Sletten Inc., one of the major builders in the Silicon Valley, confirmed that it is establishing a Southern California headquarters in Irvine to take advantage of a building boom it anticipates in high-technology and biotechnology industries.

The company’s office, which opens Thursday, employs three people now and hopes to expand.

“The high-tech, biotech and pharmaceutical fields have been relatively unscathed by the recession, so, unlike most construction firms, we will be hiring even more staff over the next few months,” said Rick Millitello, who will head the Irvine office.

Rudolph and Sletten, based in Foster City, was founded in 1960. The company built such Bay Area landmarks as George Lucas’ Skywalker Ranch in Marin County, the Monterey Bay Aquarium, and Children’s Hospital at Stanford University. In Southern California, the company just completed construction of the Nichols Research Institute in San Juan Capistrano.
