
North County : Deadlines for City Classes Coming Up

Time is running out to register for classes in music, dance and art offered this fall by the Santa Paula Recreation Department, city officials said.

The deadline to register for most of the low-cost courses is Monday, with other registration deadlines next Wednesday and Friday.

The classes, days and corresponding fees are: jazz dance for boys and girls over age 9, $15 for eight lessons; yoga classes, $28 for eight classes; “Salsaerobics” for all ages, $20 for eight lessons; ballet and tap dance for boys and girls over age 2, ballet shoes required, $15 for eight lessons; cheerleading, $12 for six classes; youth guitar class for boys and girls from ages 8 to 16, guitar required, $12 for six lessons.


For further information about class days and times, or to register for any course, call the department at 933-4226.
